Welcome to ldap-abook

Tired of having to keep all of your addressbooks in sync?


ldap-abook is an LDAP based addressbook application, intended for users wishing to maintain a centralized server-based addressbook.

ldap-abook arose out of my frustration at being unable to easily share one addressbook across all the email applications, computers, operating systems, and users in my household. LDAP is rapidly becomming the standard protocol for directory services on the internet, and is already supported by most major email client applications. As such it was the obvious choice for a generally accessible backend. I hope that you find ldap-abook as useful as I have.

ldap-abook provides a schema for an LDAP (v2 & v3) directory and a cgi script which runs under any web server. Once the LDAP server and cgi script is installed, the web interface is used to view, add, modify, and delete entries. Any LDAP-aware email client (eg. Netscape Messenger, Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, etc...) can be configured to look up email address on the LDAP server. If you already have an LDAP directory, ldap-abook can also be configured to work with your schema.

If there is something about ldap-abook that you don't like, some enhancements that you'd like to see, or some comments that you have, please let us know!


Version 1.01 released. LDAP-abook is now based on the perl-abook library. The Abook perl module which was previously included in ldap-abook has been removed, as have the utility scripts (e.g. abook.palm), most of which are now included as part of the perl-abook distribution (in the /examples directory). By using perl-abook, ldap-abook now has a many new features (see below).


What is it?

ldap-abook includes the following:

A sample configuration is included (see examples/default), along with the corresponding LDAP v2 and v3 schema definition files, and a setup.pm script to do initialization/migration Please read the comments in examples/default/README. Some editing is required.


Installation Instructions

The following instructions assume that you have a working LDAP server and Perl installed with the Net::LDAP and AddressBook modules. Please note: If installing or upgrading ldap-abook to use with an existing LDAP directory, you should back up your LDAP server database before starting.

  1. Download the current version.
  2. Unpack it
  3. Execute: perl Makefile.PL. You will be prompted for where you want to install the cgi script (default: /home/httpd/cgi-bin) and the configuration file (default: /etc).
  4. Execute: make
  5. If using the default schema, read examples/default/README, and (optionally) execute setup.pm.
  6. Copy a configuration file to /etc/AddressBook.conf.
  7. Execute: make test. The test scripts will attempt to verify that your configuration file is correct and valid with respect to your LDAP schema.
  8. Execute: make install
  9. Connect a web browser to something like http://localhost/cgi-bin/abook.cgi, and you're all set.

See Also

Last updated 1/15/2001

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